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Filtering by Category: English

To be or not to be like Shakespeare - archaic English words

Steve Keating

Language changes over time. One example particularly relevant to German speakers is the use of “whom”. “Who” refers to the subject of a sentence and “whom” to the object. For example:

The person who is over there is tall. The relative pronoun “who” refers to the word before it, “person”, which is the subject of the sentence.

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Gender-neutral language in English

Steve Keating

In recent years it has become increasingly important to use gender-neutral language in most languages, and certainly this is the case with English. Grammatical and pronunciation errors can always be forgiven, but not using gender-neutral language is the quickest way to offend some listeners! Therefore, this is a worthwhile area to spend some time on.

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How to talk about environmental issues in English

Steve Keating

We all know that one of today’s hot topics is climate change. We have heard about environmental issues and sustainability. However, these issues are challenging to discuss in a second language. So, let’s consider some of the vocabulary you will need to be able to contribute meaningfully to discussions on these topics.

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BEC Cambridge exams discontinued – what are the alternatives?


The last BEC Cambridge exams will be held in June 2024. After this, Cambridge will no longer offer exams that specifically test business English skills. We have therefore put together a list of alternative English language exams that you can take as well as tips on how to improve your business English!

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Word Division Rules: Differences between German and English


Simple words in German are usually separated into syllables. Examples: Ver-gnü-gen, be-vor-ste-hen, Vor-sil-be. But what about English? In this blog post you can read about the differences and similarities in the rules on word division in English and German.

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What is the Cambridge Linguaskill test?

Steve Keating

Cambridge have announced that the Linguaskill Business exam is the replacement for the Cambridge BEC exams. The new exam will be launched in January 2024.

You may wonder how one exam can replace a set of three exams, which were offered at B1, B2 and C1 levels. The answer is that Linguaskill is computer adaptive. The computer rapidly obtains an approximate measure of your English ability and designs the rest of the test you will take to reflect your ability.

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New TOEFL iBT Test Format 2023

Steve Keating

New TOEFL iBT Structure: Briefer and More Streamlined. Discover the significant alterations to this test format, including a reduction in test duration and a revamp of the writing section. Our comprehensive breakdown explores each section's changes in depth, ensuring you're fully prepped for this updated exam. Ideal for students and language learners, this blog keeps you ahead of the curve in TOEFL iBT preparation.

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What is the GMAT Focus Edition?

Steve Keating

In 2023, a new GMAT test will be available: the GMAT Focus Edition. It is a shorter and more flexible test than other GMAT tests with a strong focus on critical reasoning and data literacy. Read our summary of this new GMAT Focus Edition test and how we can help you with the preparation!

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Applying for Swiss citizenship - tips for success in the Swiss citizenship test!

Native Speakers

If you are already familiar with the subject, you may know that applicants for Swiss citizenship must, among other things, have knowledge of one of the four national languages in order to be successful in their application. This is regulated by federal law. We will help you to achieve your goal!

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What is the TOEFL Essentials test?

Steve Keating

The Toefl Essentials test is a variation of the Toefl iBT (internet-based Toefl). 3 official practice tests are available. You can register for the test from June 2021 and testing will be available from August 2021. Testing will be available around the clock, initially for 1-3 days per week, but the number of days per week will increase. The expected price is USD 100 – 120, depending on country.

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Is the Executive Assessment (EA) easier than the GMAT?

Steve Keating

The answer to this question is yes. The Executive Assessment is shorter. It is not computer-adaptive at question level, as the GMAT is. If you get a question right on the GMAT, the next one gets harder. On the Executive Assessment, the questions are grouped into modules of 6-7 questions. It is believed that EA questions are generally easier than GMAT questions.

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Quick ways to improve your written English for publications in English

Steve Keating

This 1-day English writing course, originally created for HSLU (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences) students and faculty, is designed to make publishing in English easier. It will clarify the standards required to publish. The course can be held in our classrooms in Zurich or at your institute. It is designed for anyone who wants to improve their written English, with a special focus on academic and scientific writing for publication.

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