What is the TOEFL Essentials test?
Steve Keating
The TOEFL Essentials test is a variation of the TOEFL iBT (internet-based TOEFL).
3 official practice tests are available. You can register for the test from June 2021 and testing will be available from August 2021. Testing will be available around the clock, initially for 1-3 days per week, but the number of days per week will increase.
The expected price is USD 100 – 120, depending on country.
You will receive your listening and reading scores at the end of the test. Full scores will be reported in 6 days. Scoring is on a 1-12 scale in each section. Your overall score is the average of your score on the four sections.
What are the main differences between the TOEFL and the TOEFL Essentials tests?
One of the main differences from the TOEFL iBT is that the TOEFL Essentials test is much shorter. It’s 1.5 hours long as opposed to 3 hours for the TOEFL iBT. There is a mix of academic and general content (50-50), whereas the TOEFLiBT has 100% academic content.
It is not offered at test centres. You choose the location where you want to do the test. Most people will choose to do the TOEFL Essentials at home.
The same four sections are present on the TOEFLEssentials as on the TOEFL iBT – reading, writing, speaking and listening. The speaking section consists of an interview with pre-recorded questions. In addition, there is a 5-minute non-scored personal video statement. This will allow institutions to get to know their applicants. The test provides a measure of your language ability, no matter where you sit on the CEFR level system, which ranges from A1 – C2. The Toefl iBT is designed for people with at least a B1 level. The Toefl Essentials is adaptive in that it automatically adjusts the difficulty level of tasks depending on how well you are doing.
Why should I take the TOEFL Essentials rather than the TOEFL iBT?
You can take advantage of the convenience of at-home testing. The Toefl Essentials is shorter and has less academic content. For example, texts on academic topics can be intimidating to read. There is 50% general content on the Toefl Essentials test, whereas the Toefl iBT has 100% academic content.
When is it better to take the TOEFL iBT test?
The TOEFL Essentials is a new test. Therefore, you would have to be sure that all the institutions you are thinking of applying to will accept the new test. If they won’t, it will be better for you to take the TOEFL iBT.
As a test-taker it’s always good to have another variety of a test to choose from!
Language changes over time. One example particularly relevant to German speakers is the use of “whom”. “Who” refers to the subject of a sentence and “whom” to the object. For example:
The person who is over there is tall. The relative pronoun “who” refers to the word before it, “person”, which is the subject of the sentence.