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Filtering by Category: GMAT EN

What is the GMAT Focus Edition?

Steve Keating

In 2023, a new GMAT test will be available: the GMAT Focus Edition. It is a shorter and more flexible test than other GMAT tests with a strong focus on critical reasoning and data literacy. Read our summary of this new GMAT Focus Edition test and how we can help you with the preparation!

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Is the Executive Assessment (EA) easier than the GMAT?

Steve Keating

The answer to this question is yes. The Executive Assessment is shorter. It is not computer-adaptive at question level, as the GMAT is. If you get a question right on the GMAT, the next one gets harder. On the Executive Assessment, the questions are grouped into modules of 6-7 questions. It is believed that EA questions are generally easier than GMAT questions.

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Time management on the GMAT

Steve Keating

Time management is one of the most important keys to success on the GMAT. Of course, time management is very important in all exams, but it is particularly vital on the GMAT. The goal of the test makers is to slow you down at every opportunity. In this blog you will find some advice that will make the time management a bit easier for you.

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