We translate to English, German, French & Italian
Accurate translations into English, German, French & Italian by qualified
native speakers. Quick delivery. NEVER missed a deadline! Book now!
Do you have questions about translations?
Contact Beate!
We translate into English, German, French, Italian
In all language combinations
Accurate and on-time.
Or contact us by email:
Why will your text be more effective if we translate it?
All our translators are qualified and experienced. They all have a love of language that shines through in their translations!
Your text will also be proofread by a second qualified native speaker.
Our translators only translate into their native tongue.
What do you get as well as a text that doesn't read like a translation?
✓ Reliability. We have not missed a deadline since we started in 2004!
✓ Complete confidentiality. Your text is in safe hands.
✓ Fair and clear pricing. Per line rate.
Does your text fall into one of our specialist areas?
Advertising, PR & Marketing
Children’s books
We can translate your:
Journal article
Academic paper
Job application
In-flight magazine / online magazine
MBA and other university applications
and even your book!
Who have we translated for?
What are our customers saying about us?
“This translation agency is easy to work with and operates at a very high level. They don’t just translate; they also think carefully about the text, and any feedback is communicated professionally. Since we have been working with nativespeakers.ch, our core team has had more resources available and can rely on the translations provided.”
“Expert, reliable and a valued partner - especially when our corporate communication is in four languages.”
Allow your documents, your website, your thesis or any business correspondence to be translated professionally. Only a native speaker is capable of translating your text into the target language in such a way that it achieves the desired effect.
In business it is often the small things that make a big difference. With a professional translation from us you will get an advantage that could turn out to be crucial. At nativespeakers.ch we offer you a complete package because your text will be both translated and proofread by our professional translators and proofreaders who are experts in the subtleties of their language. A translation of the highest quality is the end result.
How do I get my text translated?
It’s very simple! You email us your text. We email you our quote.
You accept the quote. We send you the translation after it has been translated and proofread!
STEP 1 Email your text to us
STEP 2 Tell us your target language and delivery deadline
STEP 3 Accept our quote
Remember to tell us if you prefer British or American English if your text is being translated into English!
Take STEP 1 now!
Email us your document to:
Simple words in German are usually separated into syllables. Examples: Ver-gnü-gen, be-vor-ste-hen, Vor-sil-be. But what about English? In this blog post you can read about the differences and similarities in the rules on word division in English and German.